
all my life

Woke up in the middle of the night
Time to take a break from thinking of you
The thought of someday needing you
Haunting my mind...

And in my dream I was afraid
Of feeling the wrong kind of thing
For the right kind of you
As I always do

You see, I'm way past 22
Still having dreams of green and blue
But when they are of grey and black
I can't go back
It tears my world apart

Stole my words from a little kid
I can't believe, but sometimes I feel
Wisdom has escaped from me
Into the sea, and I'm lost in here

I'll wrap my gift in a paper thin
Print of leopard skin
It's left laying in front of me
Still I feel I'm just a commodity

You see, all this rave of you and I
Dancing in my mind
Makes me feel life passing me by
And still I try to change my lie

1 Comentarios:

Blogger Christina K Brown dijo...

I'll wrap my gift in a paper thin
Print of leopard skin
It's left laying in front of me
Still I feel I'm just a commodity


I like what this does to me...

11:56 p. m.  

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