The story of Theo & his magical star-shaped kitten
One day, Theo had found a star-shaped kitten while taking a walk through the park. He fed and cared for it until he realized the kitten had magical powers. The kitten seemed to disappear and reappear in different places. It seemed to get along with the rest of the animals pretty well, even plants responded to it. One day, the kitten spoke.
"I have to go home, will you come with me to my long lost star?"
Theo, without a thought, followed his kitten in a voyage through space and time. He didn't pack a bag. Didn't even take a map with him, because the lightest travelers can take the time to see the world without caring for their baggage. In Theo's case, he got to see the Universe. There they went, travelling from star to star.
As they travelled, Theo asked himself: "Now that I have seen the Universe, does it belong to my world or do I belong to its thought?" And he knew that the more he stepped where no man had been before, he would become the Universe and the Universe would become him. Soon he would be his own master.
One day (if we might call it that while travelling through space and time), they reached the destination of their interstellar travesy. The planet was bursting with star-shaped kittens. They walked around, climbed on sofa-shaped hills and played with fur-covered mice. As he looked around, Theo realized he had become what the star-shaped kitten was on Earth, for strangers are only so when they are amongst ourselves. In that planet, pain disappeared and the kitten's magic stopped being so, for special powers aren't so when at everybody's reach.
In that planet, Theo lived and died and lived again. A thousand years went by and Theo ne'er grew old. One day, boredom caught up to him, so he decided to jump from star to star and see different planets. Once again, he took no bags, because a man's only posessions are in his head and in his pockets.
"If I jump from star to star for a long, long time, he thought, maybe I will find home again and go back to my people to make them as wise as I am." What Theo didn't know was that the Universe never ends and he wouldn't find the star-shaped kitten's star nor the place he called home. And this is where he learned his final lesson: a wise man's only weakness lies in what he has left behind.